Hello everyone! We'd like to welcome you all to this new place in Zurbaran School.
First of all, we want to say welcome to everybody who gets in touch with this blog and "everybody" means, not just the students working on Science with us, but also parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, all family members or friends that are interested in knowing about what our students are doing in the sessions called "Science is Fun"
We also hope this blog could be an appealing place to visit, listen, read and speak the English language. We want to get in touch with you, but remember "It's English time" and we have to communicate in English. We know it's difficult sometimes but we can try (Forget about the mistakes you may make, and if so, you may forget the ones I will surely make)
We also can not forget that Science is the subject we will work on, so everything you know about it and about the topics we are developing in the class, please let us know!
Bye by know. Watch, listen, read, and if possible, have fun with us!

Monday, February 04, 2013

Zoology is fun in Zurbaran!!!

The amazing world of the animal kingdom

Our young scientists from Zubaran are ready to become experts on Zoology.
Zoology is the branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct
In this webpage you can search for your favourite animal, you can discover some other animals that you may like or, why not, you can find out about some other animals you don´t know that they even exist.
You can see them in beautiful photographs, watch them moving in real video recordings and listen to them in their real habitats. You can even make your own “Amazing animal collection” with the printable cards. Do you want to have a look at the amazing world of the animal kingdom?
I’ll tell you the best way to get a good profit of the webpage. I hope you enjoy it, it´s up to you!!!

Click on one category to see the animal you like (For example: Mammals)
Click on the animal to find out more about it (For example: Polar bear)
Click on Facts and photos: Read the information and watch and enjoy the photographs

Click on the video and sound: listen to the creatures' real sounds. Watch the video and listen to the features about the animal
Click on map: Look at the maps in the picture and find out where these animals usually live.
Click on E-card: Send an amazing card to a friend.
Click on print these creatures. Print and cut out the cards with the most important facts, best pictures and the map. Then read and keep them. You can make a collection!

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