Hello everyone! We'd like to welcome you all to this new place in Zurbaran School.
First of all, we want to say welcome to everybody who gets in touch with this blog and "everybody" means, not just the students working on Science with us, but also parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, all family members or friends that are interested in knowing about what our students are doing in the sessions called "Science is Fun"
We also hope this blog could be an appealing place to visit, listen, read and speak the English language. We want to get in touch with you, but remember "It's English time" and we have to communicate in English. We know it's difficult sometimes but we can try (Forget about the mistakes you may make, and if so, you may forget the ones I will surely make)
We also can not forget that Science is the subject we will work on, so everything you know about it and about the topics we are developing in the class, please let us know!
Bye by know. Watch, listen, read, and if possible, have fun with us!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The planets in the Solar System



On 31st of October we celebrate Halloween. It is the night of the year when ghosts, witches and fairies are especially active. So watch out, they may be behind you!!!
Halloween comes from All Hallow Even; (Eve means: night before) & (Hallows means: saints). 
So Halloween means the eve of all Saints day.

Michael Jackson's Thriller is a music video released on 2nd December in 1983 
It is considered to be the most famous pop music video of all time. 
Guinness World Records listed it in 2006 as the "most successful music video", selling over 9 million units. 
It is also the most watched music video of all time, seen by more than 4 billion people all over the world.
Haloween is the best night to watch it.
Be brave and Enjoy it!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Learn about Gravity

Gravity is an invisible force of nature.
Gravity is a basic force in the universe that attracts all objects to each other. 
Gravity is what keeps things in place on Earth. It is the reason things fall to the ground when dropped.
Gravity played a role in the formation of all planets and other bodies in the universe.
Gravity causes the Earth to rotate around the sun and the moon to rotate around the Earth

Sir Isaac Newton was the leader of a scientific revolution of the 17th century. He was a physicist and a mathematician who study planetary motion and is famous for discovering the law of gravity

Isaac Newton observed an apple fall from a tree and from there began to understand gravity and how it worked to keep the moon in earth’s orbit as well as keep humans and various other objects attached to the ground

A short story on Isaac Newton:
Isaac and the Bully
Isaac Newton was a shy, quiet boy growing up on a farm in England 300 years ago. He was not a very good student and nobody paid much attention to him. Nobody that is, except the school bully. One day the bully punched Isaac in the stomach. That hurt, and that got Isaac very mad! He pulled himself up straight and fought back. Isaac pushed the bully onto the ground and rubbed his face in the mud. All the other kids hated the bully and came and cheered for Isaac.
So Isaac taught the bully a lesson, but he wasn't satisfied with that. Now that he knew he could fight better than the bully, he wanted to prove that he could do anything better than the bully. So he started paying attention to school and studying hard. He was soon the top of his class, proving he was smarter than the bully too.
Isaac Newton kept on studying and when he grew up he became a math professor at Cambridge University. He discovered lots of important things and is one of the most famous scientists who ever lived.


The Solar System is in the Milky Way Galaxy
 The Sun is one of the billions of stars that make up a Galaxy. It is a giant, spinning ball of very hot gas.

The Solar System consists of the Sun, its family of planets and their moons, comets, asteroids, meteoroids and big amounts of gas.
All these objects, large and small, travel around, or orbit the Sun.

Friday, October 12, 2012

We live in a spiral galaxy: The Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way is just one of the billions galaxies that exist in the Universe and it is also home of our Solar System It is called a spiral galaxy, due to its shape.It contains between 200-400 billions of stars, like the Sun and some 50 billions planets, like the Earth