Hello everyone! We'd like to welcome you all to this new place in Zurbaran School.
First of all, we want to say welcome to everybody who gets in touch with this blog and "everybody" means, not just the students working on Science with us, but also parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, all family members or friends that are interested in knowing about what our students are doing in the sessions called "Science is Fun"
We also hope this blog could be an appealing place to visit, listen, read and speak the English language. We want to get in touch with you, but remember "It's English time" and we have to communicate in English. We know it's difficult sometimes but we can try (Forget about the mistakes you may make, and if so, you may forget the ones I will surely make)
We also can not forget that Science is the subject we will work on, so everything you know about it and about the topics we are developing in the class, please let us know!
Bye by know. Watch, listen, read, and if possible, have fun with us!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Earth, that tiny little thing!

No, you are not the centre of the Universe!!! 

In fact, you are invisible, you live in a tiny, little place called the planet Earth.

Here, we are again!

You may know that we are we students at Zurbaran Primary School, that we are now in level 5, that we speak good English, that we are sometimes artists, sometimes scientists, weather tv presenters, experts on healthy food...
 But if you want to know more about us, please listen and watch!


Here we are again! Holidays are over and here, in Zurbaran, we have many things to do and to show to you. Are you ready?
Students in level 5 D1 and D2 are. In fact, they have already begun. First we have a message to tell you.