Hello everyone! We'd like to welcome you all to this new place in Zurbaran School.
First of all, we want to say welcome to everybody who gets in touch with this blog and "everybody" means, not just the students working on Science with us, but also parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, all family members or friends that are interested in knowing about what our students are doing in the sessions called "Science is Fun"
We also hope this blog could be an appealing place to visit, listen, read and speak the English language. We want to get in touch with you, but remember "It's English time" and we have to communicate in English. We know it's difficult sometimes but we can try (Forget about the mistakes you may make, and if so, you may forget the ones I will surely make)
We also can not forget that Science is the subject we will work on, so everything you know about it and about the topics we are developing in the class, please let us know!
Bye by know. Watch, listen, read, and if possible, have fun with us!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WEATHER INSTRUMENTS: Can you name them?
Do you know what they measure? 
Look, listen, read and, why not? Have fun!
(Don't  forget that you don't have to understand everything they say, it is not necessary, just look at the pictures and remember what you already know about weather instruments)

Do you Know Onintze Salazar? She works as a mateorologist and a weather presenter in the programme "Eguraldia" in the ETB1 channel at the weekend. She began to work in Euskalmet eight years ago and appeared for the first time in the TV programme two years ago. She has got a curious nickname "the bad-weather girl" because that  first day she worked on TV the weather was terrible, it rained a lot for a long, long time. Anyway, she is a hard worker and in this video she tries to explain what meteorology is, what his job is like, the way she started working on it and why people sometimes criticizes what she and her mates do. She does not speak English in this video, sorry about it, she uses both Spanish and Basque, but I think it could be interesting for you, future scientists and meteorologists, to learn about this amazing Science: Have fun! 
Let's listen to Mr George from the Rainbow Spoof Weather centre.. He is a very special weatherman making a very special weather forecast for children. He is making a prediction on what the weather will be like in next few days. He doesn't like cold weather, do you?
Here they are again. Now the students from Zurbaran School are ready to tell you what  the weather is and will be like sooner or later. Maybe the most interesting part of it are some useful advices the song gives us to take into account when weather changes. Pay attention to the lyrics and to all the miming the students do, it will help you to understand the meaning of the song. Have fun!